A new facility to be dedicated on October 17, 2014, in College Station will have the capacity to rapidly manufacture vaccines, playing a crucial role in preventing a catastrophic flu outbreak. The vaccine facility at Texas A&M University is a key part of the Center for Innovation in Advanced Development and Manufacturing, one of three […]
BioFORCE 2014 Summer Academies Success Thanks to Partners
NCTM’s summer STEM programs for high school students and teachers (“BioFORCE”) were a resounding success this year thanks to our industry and academic partners! The entire NCTM team would like to applaud and extend our deepest appreciation to all the organizations and their staff who took time during their busy schedules to tour and speak […]
NCTM’S Customized Training Can Help Standardize Manufacturing Processes at Global Sites
With big pharma’s eagerness to trend toward inversion, a standardized manufacturing process focused on regulatory compliance, quality, and consumer safety is mandatory. NCTM’s customizable training programs from introductory biopharmaceutical manufacturing techniques to advanced professional development can ensure technical personnel at multiple international manufacturing sites all perform by the same standards and processes. Contact us for […]
NCTM Exhibits at Bio International Conference in San Diego – June 23-26
NCTM shared a joint booth, titled the “Texas Biocorridor”, with Kalon Biotherapeutics, Texas A&M Health Science Center, Research Valley Partnership, and ATLAS at the BIO International Conference held in San Diego, California the week of June 23, 2014. Dozens of partnering meetings were held and walk-up traffic was constant and productive. Texas Biocorridor represented and […]
Texas Healthcare Summit Hosted in Austin – June 4
NCTM participated in the Texas Healthcare Summit in Austin, Texas on June 4, 2014. With more than 250 people in attendance, including leaders and representatives from across the industry – BIO, pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies, venture capitalists, academicians and researchers, and policy makers – participated in an important dialogue about the key issues impacting […]