What exactly is a scale-up project and what do we mean by research support for biopharma? A few of our experts share details about these processes and services, and the future of both the National Center for Therapeutic Manufacturing and the biomanufacturing industry on this episode of Biopharma Buzz.
Biopharma Buzz: Vodcast, Episode 3
Contract training offered by the National Center for Therapeutic Manufacturing helps companies like FUJILFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies with onboarding new technicians. Learn how our NCTM team developed customized learning modules to support their exponential growth from Eric Dul, Senior Director of Manufacturing for FUJIFILM.
Biopharma Buzz: Vodcast, Episode 2
The National Center for Therapeutic Manufacturing and John Balchunas, Director of Workforce Development at the National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL), speak to their partnership in offering continuing education and professional training. Learn about unexpected career opportunities in the biopharma industry in NCTM’s second episode of Biopharma Buzz.
Biopharma Buzz: Vodcast, Episode 1
Welcome to the very first episode of Biopharma Buzz! Jenny Ligon, host and associate director, and Dr. Zivko Nikolov, director, share how the National Center for Therapeutics Manufacturing got its start and where to learn more about training opportunities offered by the center. Both Jenny and Dr. Nikolov discuss fascinating insight in their involvement with COVID-19 vaccine development, workforce training initiatives and more.